Outside Looking In ~ 8 Feb 2016

Happy Chinese New Year!

Virtually all year, the dwarf planets Eris and Haumea occupy opposite sides of the sky from one another. Eris, who despises exclusion, and Haumea who stands out as a most fertile and creative deity, line up in hopes of overcoming any sense of being on the outside looking in.

Haumea seeks to heat up the inner furnace, stoke the creative embers and add more fuel to the desire to apply any and all talents in a most unlimited manner. She signals to Eris that the feelings of isolation, being overlooked, ignored, shunned, unfriended and whatever new catch phrase might apply, can be overcome. While Eris might tend to discount Haumea’s point of view because of her Libran placement, Eris would do well to keep in mind that Haumea’s north node reigns in Leo and her closest contact to the Sun (perihelion) claims Aries as home. She’s all about the self.

Inclusion can be created and participation in life becomes more that just a “maybe someday” fleeting thought according to Haumea. Eris realizes that there are opinions held by society toward those who accrue financial wealth, social status and red carpet appeal. Eris surmises that those receiving the brunt of those opinions may or may not feel as resourceful, blessed, counted, included as an outsider might perceive. Eris, driven by Aries, knows for a fact, it is only what a person thinks of herself/himself that ultimately underscores the ultimate threshold of inclusion/exclusion in a person’s life.

Eris/Aries antidotes for the feeling of being discounted are:

Be excellent. In fact, be so extraordinary you cannot be overlooked.

Work to balance out the drive for success and social acclaim, such that the status gained in life fits with a phenomenal level of comfort with the psyche. Seek your personal Goldilocks zone.

Haumea/Libra antidotes for the lack of use of ones greatest talents are:

Be excellent. In fact, scour your psyche for each and every attribute. Polish them into gem-like luster and fully apply in life with added vigor.

When creating relationships with those who seek to assist the public awareness of your skills (agents, managers, social media consultants, would be investors) and when agreeing to a long term plan of creating sizzle for your skills in the win-win model, make sure your personal gain exceeds previous expectations. Remember, they want you and it is about you.

As your inner furnace burns, feel the heat and use it unabashedly.

Feeling the Haumean heat makes a ton of sense especially considering that in a week, Vesta in Aries, in a waning conjunction with Eris, exactly opposes Haumea in Libra. Vesta, the keeper of the hearth, carries the charge of ensuring the personal pilot light within never goes out. Vesta, with her node in Cancer seeks to support the psychic fuel of a being by applying her perihelion in Sagittarius, which declares: “Never forget what you believe. Burn away any mental matters that impede your aspirations and remember the ultimate belief is the belief in you.

The time is ripe for heating it up. In case you missed the Gregorian one, it’s Chinese New Year. Get the dang year fired up and motivate and mobilize. Vow that no matter what, you will apply all the good you have to offer, and in so doing, remain receptive to the results that come your way. It doesn’t matter if your team lost the Super Bowl yesterday. It doesn’t matter if your worry about money clouds your mind. It doesn’t matter if you’re freaked about the political candidates in the US or the hair-triggered leaders of dictatorial nations - such as ICBM-launching north Korea. What you can do is apply your creative forces to render a lava flow of output that creates fertile new lands for yourself to journey.

Eris opposes Haumea virtually all year, demanding that everyone invoke and innovate to the best of their abilities. It is a year to create, innovate, design, invoke, write, paint, apply and do. Those who do will be able to sit back at some point, amazing at the results, and honor the Chinese New Year by musing, “Well, I’ll be a monkey’s uncle.”

By the way, speaking of weird political stuff, Eris and Uranus align twice during the remainder of this year (and on March 16, 2017), inducing more of the crazed, fringe, maverick, renegade, what if a crazy person is put in charge sort of anticipation. On June 8 they align again. Political rhetoric could reach an all time “crazy as crap” watermark. Come September 26 they align again. It is my hope that at this time insane claims of what will be done and can be done calm down significantly. In fact, I would wager that the fringe campaigns lose their bluster with the Eris-Uranus alignment in September following the Sun and Jupiter entering Libra. There is hope for perspective, balance and progress.

Meanwhile, be the best contributing member to your life. Dig down and polish up those skills, attributes and talents. It’s a brand new year!

More soon.